Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Vermont Health Information Technology (VITL) Plan Completed

Congratulations Vermont! SV

Monday, July 30, 2007

Montpelier, Vt. – Vermont Information Technology Leaders, Inc. (VITL), a non-profit public-private partnership, today announced the completion of the Vermont Health Information Technology Plan. The 140-page document provides Vermont with a roadmap for encouraging the use of health information technology and creating a statewide secure network for exchanging data between health care organizations.

The Vermont Health Information Technology Plan identifies a set of four core objectives for a five-year planning cycle:

Encourage and enable the deployment and use of electronic health record systems within the state to increase the amount of health information that exists in electronic form.

Establish and operate the infrastructure necessary to promote a secure electronic health information exchange to achieve the plan’s vision.

Empower consumers to take an active role in electronic health information initiatives in Vermont.

Enable public health agencies to leverage health information technology/health information exchange investments to monitor and ensure the public’s health more transparently and quickly.


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