Tuesday, August 14, 2007

ACP joins UnitedHealth and physician groups on medical home in Florida

It wouldn't hurt to have an EHR.
I know a few groups in NYC that would like to participate. SV

Last week ACP joined with UnitedHealth Group, the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP), and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) to announce the planned launch a pilot project of the patient-centered medical home.
The patient-centered medical home is a model of care designed to improve patients’ total health and care delivery through patients partnering with their primary care physicians. The physician, as leader of a multidisciplinary care team, takes responsibility for the whole care of the patient and coordinates that care with other physicians and professionals across the full spectrum on an ongoing basis. The pilot program will be launched in approximately six primary care practices in Florida.

This program will mark the first time that physicians are compensated with enhanced payments to reward the extensive work related to patient care that takes place outside the physician-patient encounter and to recognize the costs to the practice of maintaining the capability to provide patient-centered care. UnitedHealth Group and the medical societies have commissioned an independent research study on the pilot program.


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