Thursday, August 20, 2009

Biden announces $1.2 Billion Grants to assist hosptials and physicians implement EHRs in 2010

The regional health extension centers could help fast track practices that have not yet implemented EHRs so as to qualify for the 2011 ARRA grants. SV

The grants made available today include:

* Grants totaling $598 million to establish approximately 70 Health Information Technology Regional Extension Centers, which will provide hospitals and clinicians with hands-on technical assistance in the selection, acquisition, implementation, and meaningful use of certified electronic health record systems.
* Grants totaling $564 million to States and Qualified State Designated Entities (SDEs) to support the development of mechanisms for information sharing within an emerging nationwide system of networks.

The Extension Center grants will be awarded on a rolling basis, with the first awards being issued in fiscal year 2010. Grants to States will be made in fiscal year 2010. Those interested in applying for these grants may visit for more information.

Health Information Technology Extension Program

State Health Information Exchange Cooperative Programb

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Stethoscopes, Scalpels, and Electronic Health Records (EHRs) – Required Tools of the Trade

September 25, 2009

Conference Agenda

Registration Link

7:15 – 8:00 AM Registration

8:00 – 8:30 AM
Opening Welcome
Introduction by George Hickman, FHIMSS, CPHIMS, EVP & CIO, Albany Medical Center
Julie Brucker, Director of HIM, Seton Health; President, NYHIMA
Sal Volpe, MD, Private Practice, Staten Island, NY; President, NY HIMSS

8:30 – 9:30 AM
Session 1: Life with an EHR – Physician Practice Perspective
Clinician Adoption Best Practice Uses and Lessons Learned

Fred Venditti, MD, Vice Dean for Clinical Affairs, Albany Medical Center
Mary Ellen Ehlers, MD, Albany Medical Center

Introduction by Chris Harris, VP IS, Albany Medical Center; Past President, NY HIMSS

9:30 – 10:30 AM
Session 2: Life with an EHR – Hospital Perspective
Issues with Legal Health Record and Privacy Security

Nancy Binder, Director of HIM, Ellis Hospital
Donna Barnard, Director of HIM, Strong Memorial
Sharon Goettel, Director of HIM, St. Joseph’s Hospital
Kris Kusche, ISSO, AVP of IS, Albany Medical Center

Introduction by Vera Rulon, President, AHIMA and member NYHIMA

10:30 – 10:45 AM Break

10:45 – Noon
Session 3: EHR Implementation Lessons Learned
If I Had The Chance To Do It Over Again

Panel Presentation:
Michael Piplani, MD, Bethlehem Family Practice
John Collins, MD Chief Medical Officer, North East Health

Moderated by Eileen Clinton, Program Coordinator, MSSNY

Noon – 12:15 PM Working Lunch

12:15 – 1:15 PM
Session 4: Medical Home
Is It Impossible To Achieve?

Sal Volpe, MD; Private Practice, Staten Island, NY; President, NY HIMSS

Introduction by Ronald Pucherelli, CPHIT, HIT Project Administrator, MSSNY

1:15 – 2:15 PM
Session 5: The Influence of Environmental Factors
ARRA, Stark, Vendor Capabilities, NYDOH and New Technologies and Trends

John Blair, MD, Chairman & CEO, MedAllies; Board member, HIMSS National
Barry Chaiken, MD, Chief Medical Officer, DocsNetwork, Ltd.; Chair, HIMSS National

Introduction by George Hickman, FHIMSS, CPHIMS, EVP & CIO, Albany Medical Center

2:15 – 2:30 PM Break

2:30 – 3:30 PM
Session 6: SHIN-NY Buses, Connected Enterprises, Symantec Interoperability and Other Adventures for the Courageous

Rachel Block, Deputy Commissioner for HIT, NYS DOH
Micky Tripathi, MD, President & CEO, MAeHC

Introduced by John Blair, MD Chairman & CEO, MedAllies; Board member, HIMSS National

3:30 – 3:45 PM
Closing Remarks and Thanks

Introduction by George Hickman, FHIMSS, CPHIMS, EVP & CIO, Albany Medical Center

4:30 – 5:30 PM Networking Hour – Recovery Room (Hilton Garden Inn Sports Bar)

Monday, August 17, 2009

Kentucky eHealth Office:soon open for business

Kentucky joins many other states that have chosen to consolidate activities. SV

Office will serve as single point of contact on Kentucky’s health information technology efforts

FRANKFORT, Ky. – To coincide with the national priority of implementation of health information technology (HIT), Governor Steve Beshear announced today the creation of the Governor’s Office of Electronic Health Information within the Cabinet for Health and Family Services (CHFS).

The Kentucky E-Health Network Board, which is administratively attached to the Cabinet for Health and Family Services, will also serve as an integral resource to the Office as it moves forward.


Saturday, August 15, 2009

Connected Care Telehealth network: UHC CISCO

One of the country's largest health insurance companies has joined with one of America's best known telecommunication manufacturers to improve access to care. SV

UnitedHealth Group [NYSE: UNH] and Cisco [NASDAQ: CSCO] announced they are partnering to build the first national telehealth network, which will give patients access to physicians and specialists when in-person visits are not possible. The new “Connected Care” program combines audio and video technology and health resources to greatly expand physicians‟ reach into rural, urban and other underserved areas. UnitedHealth Group has committed tens of millions of dollars toward the new initiative.

UnitedHealth Group‟s national care provider network, including 590,000 physicians and care professionals and more than 4,900 hospitals, combined with Cisco‟s industry-leading video conferencing and other collaborative network technologies, will help connect patients more easily with primary care physicians, specialists and hospitals. Connected Care will make clinics available in the workplace, as well as in rural and retail locations. In-home visits using similar technology will also be introduced to truly bring care to the patient.

Connected Care America
HIMSS New York Chapter - NY Mini-HIMSS Event

Date: 10/2/2009

Location: The Digital Sandbox
55 Broad St
New York, NY 10004


We have invited nationally recognized speakers to discuss the following topics:

- Mobile Computing
- Implementation and Project Delivery
- Governance and Policy
- Service Bureaus and Support

In addition to providing an educational and networking event, we will be offering a night on the town: two tickets to a Broadway show and dinner. You need to register in advance to have qualify for the drawing!

Note: The CPHIMS exam will also be available to attendees of this event. Complete and return the registration form if you are interested in taking the exam.

This is merely a save-the-date reminder and more information will be available soon. Feel free to visit the New York Chapter Website.

HIMSS NYS event information
HIMSS NYS event registration
CPHIMS registration

Thursday, August 13, 2009

The best new software for your PDA/Smartphone

Here is a short review of software to help make practicing medicine a little easier.

Includes a review of device characteristics:

Android,Apple,BlackBerry,Palm,Symbian,Windows, memory issues, input methods, WiFi, 3G and EHR integration.

Includes products from:

AAP,AAFP,ACP,Epocrates,Johns Hopkins, Merck,Skyscape, UpToDate. SV

Medical Economics Article

Modern Medicine Podcast

Saturday, August 08, 2009

Electronic laboratory reminder system assists with Lipid management

A recent study by Kaiser found that automated systems can be useful. SV

American Journal of Managed Care

Thursday, August 06, 2009

AMA Physicians Forum Teleconference

Get the inside scoop on health legislation

Reserve your spot for the AMA Physicians Forum today!
AMA Physicians Forum
6 p.m. EST
Thursday, Aug. 6
Featuring AMA leadership

The American Medical Association (AMA) invites you to participate in the AMA Physicians Forum, featuring an exclusive conference call with Immediate Past President Nancy H. Nielsen, MD, PhD.

Join us at 6 p.m. EST Thursday, Aug. 6, to get inside information about health system reform straight from Washington, D.C. — and get your questions answered. This is a private conference call for a limited number of physicians in your area. If you are unable to join us, your spot will be given to a physician on the waiting list.

We look forward to your participation!

To participate in the AMA Physicians Forum:

* Reserve your spot

On Thursday dial in to the call using the number and code below:

* Dial (877) 269-7289
* Enter ID code 13149
State Guide for HITECH

Preparing to Implement HITECH: A State Guide for Electronic Health Information Exchange is now available. It provides a fine overview for states that have not initiated HIT plans or for states that want to bring there plans in better alignment with the Federal view. SV

NGA 2009 Report from the State Alliance for e-Health Report