Saturday, February 16, 2008

NY HIMSS Conference: HIT Gets Personal - Consumer Centric Technology

Thursday, April 3, 2008; Digital Sandbox Conference Center

Click here to register online.


8 - 9: Breakfast

9 - 9:15: President's Message

William Delaney, HIMSS NY President

9:15 - 9:30: Advocacy Update

Christopher Harris, HIMSS NY Advocay Liaison & President Elect

9:30 - 10:30: Keynote Speaker

Lori M. Evans, MPH, MPP, serves as a Deputy Commissioner of the New York State Department of Health leading a new Office of Health Information Technology Transformation (OHITT). OHITT, created by Governor Spitzer in 2007, is responsible for government and private sector efforts to support improvements in health care quality, affordability and outcomes for all New Yorkers through widespread deployment of health information technology.

11:00 - 12:00: Break Out Session 1: Personal Health Record

• Moderator: Ken Ong, MD, MPH
• Description: The personal health record is a core technology for the consumer. A plethora of offerings are now available from commercial vendors, health care systems, and payers. What is the level of adoption? What successes have been won? What challenges remain? Is there one ideal technology venue for the PHR? What are the drivers for the PHR? What use cases apply?
• Panelists: Adrian Gropper, MD, MedCommons; Abha Agrawal, MD, Kings County Hospital Center; Glen Martin, MD, Queens Health Network

11:00 - 12:00: Break Out Session 2: Legal Aspect of Privacy Issues

• Moderator: Chris Harris
• Description: As Personal Health Records become increasingly more available to the consumer, there a number of legal considerations that will affect consumer views of privacy and hence adoption. This panel will explore questions and implications for consumer privacy based on use and current state of law in terms of protection and governance. Topics will include: what are consumer rights to privacy exist when using a PHR? How do these rights or risks change as the sponsoring agency changes; health insurance company, pharmaceutical company, Search software company?
• Panelists: Paul F. Macielak, President and CEO, New York Health Plan Association; Al Mercado, NY Bar Association; Peter Poleto, Vice President and CIO, Hospital Association of New York State

1:45 - 2:45: Break Out Session 3: The Consumer and Health Information Exchange

• Moderator: Ken Ong, MD, MPH
• Description: Health information exchange is a hot topic for HIT nationally. The promise of improved coordination, efficiency, and cost savings has prompted the formation of more than a hundred RHIOs. Most of which are still in development but a notable few are no more. What stake does the consumer have in HIE? What role should the consumer have in RHIOs? What information should and should not be accessible to the consumer, provider, payer, or government? Who should pay for HIE? What future do you see for HIE? What association is there if any between HIE and health care reform more broadly?
• Panelists: Sally E. Findley, PhD, Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University; Arthur Levin, MPH, Center for Medical Consumers; Rachael Block, New York eHealth Collaborative

1:45 - 2:45: Break Out Session 4: Government Initiatives in Consumer Health

• Moderator: Sal Volpe, MD
• Description: Since 2004, there have been an increasing number of Government initiatives related to health information technology. Some examples include grants and the formation of national, statewide and local government agencies. What more can government do to foster the creation and acceptance of standards related to interoperability and privacy? What partnerships are available or are being planned with private industry and personal health records? How are consumer groups represented in the planning process for government initiatives? What initiatives are being planned to bring HIT access to the poor and underserved?
• Panelists: Pat Hale, MD, PhD, Deputy Director of HIT Transformation, New York State Department of Health; Farzad Mostashari, MD, Assistant Commissioner and Chair of the Primary Care Information Taskforce, New York City DOMH; George Hickman, CIO, Albany Medical Center

3:00 - 4:00: Breakout Session 5: Patient Portal

• Moderator: Leanne Currie, DNSc
• Patient portals come in an assortment of variations. Health care providers, health plans, and patient education web sites offer different functionality. What value do these different offerings provide? What challenges do patient portal providers confront? What privacy and legal concerns exist for patient portals? What services do patient portals now provide? What new services might they provide in the future? What promise do patient portals have for public health?
• Panelists: David Kaufman, PhD, DBMI, Columbia University; Melinda Jenkins, PhD, Coordinator of Consumer Informatics, New York City DOMH; Noel C. Brown MD, MBA, Montefiore Medical Group

4:00 - 6:00: Vendor Exhibition & Cocktail Reception

Sponsoring health care organizations:

• American College of Physicians, NY Chapter
• CAIM/Columbia Center for Advanced Information Management
• Greater New York Hospital Association
• HANYS/Healthcare Association of NY State
• HFMA Metro NY/Healthcare Financial Management Association
• IPRO/Island Peer Review Organization
• LIHIMA/Long Island Health Information Management Association
• MSSNY/ Medical Society State of NY
• MINY/Medical Informatics of NY
• NY eHealth Collaborative
• NYHIMA/NY Health Information Management Association

Click here to register online.

1 comment:

Jane B said...

Thanks for sharing the program schedule...

ehr implementation