Sunday, September 29, 2013

Healow App from eClinicalWorks: general information and video

I've been using HEALOW  on my cellphone for a while now and can say its rather impressive from the point of view of a physician as well as a patient. Runs on Apple and Android devices. SV

Here are some of utilities:

Simplify Your Life


Manage Your Medicine Cabinet

Being an Informed Patient is an Informed Consumer


Use Your Time Wisely

Stay Connected to Your Healthcare Providers

Here is a linik to a short video that helps patients understand the advantages of using the Patient Portal and the Healow app.



eClinicalWorks National Users Conference 2013 Details Available

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing the informative blog. I truly appreciate your work. Keep posting your views. The blog is really having a good and useful content....

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