Tuesday, August 20, 2013

MSSNY'S next Advocacy Matters program: NYS Health Information Network: SHIN-NY September 10, 2013

Register today for MSSNY'S next Advocacy Matters program: September 10, 2013

Program Title: The State Health Information Network- New York (SHIN-NY)- What is it and how is the New York eHealth Collaborative (NYeC) and the Department of Health’s Division of Health Information Transformation (OHITT) working to enhance information sharing and care coordination across the health care continuum  

Program Participants:
David Whitlinger, Executive Director, New York eHealth Collaborative (NYeC)
Steve Smith, Director of the Division of Health Information Technology Transformation
Educational Objectives:
  • Provide data concerning EHR adoption rates in New York State and how they compare with other states.

  • Describe the work of NYeC/DOH OHITT through the Statewide Collaborative process in establishing a roadmap for developing health information exchange in NYS.

  • Discuss the State Health Information Network (SHIN-NY), how it operates, its capabilities, how physicians can connect to it and the costs of participation.

  • Discuss additional statutory and regulatory recommendations under consideration by NYeC and the DOH OHITT.

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