Thursday, May 08, 2008

CMS (Medicare) and South Carolina offer PHR (Personal Health Record)

It is only for fee for service Medicare.
No links with Medicare Advantage, Medicare Part D or Medicaid. Too bad.
Patients can add to it however. Its a good start but needs the additional links. SV

MyPHRSC is a free and secure electronic Personal Health Record that stores your Medicare claims history for the past 24 months in one convenient place. Updated daily, the health record provides you with one place where you can track your medical history. With MyPHRSC, you don’t have to search through your paper records to find what you need. You can access your records in one place, wherever you are, and whenever you need them. With MyPHRSC, you can view and manage the following Medicare claims information:

Provider Visits
Medical conditions


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can Medicare clients opt-out of myPHRSC? I didn't see any mention of this in the article or on the myPHRSC website.