Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Five large employers including Walmart participate in PHR (Personal Health Record):DOSSIA

This is yet another major PHR initiative and promises to be portable. SV

Dossia is an internet-based software platform that will provide complete, lifelong electronic medical records — at first, to employees of the founders group of companies.

These records will belong to employees, and will be portable if the employee changes jobs or insurance companies, or retires. Employers and insurance companies will have no access to any information in any employee’s health record.

After the initial development period, the Dossia technology platform will be freely available to software developers so they can create applications that encourage the adoption of electronic personal health records far beyond the original employee groups. It will be an open system created to ultimately benefit every patient and health care provider, and to improve the quality of care across the entire health care system.

The Dossia founders group includes BP America, Inc., Intel Corporation, Pitney Bowes, Toyota and Wal-Mart. They have joined together to fund Dossia as a new kind of health care benefit to their employees, dependants and retirees. Any other companies who are interested in empowering their employees, and who desire to help to reduce inefficiency and errors in the health care system, are welcome to participate.

Dossia is being developed by Omnimedix Institute, a non-profit health care research and information technology development organization based in Portland, Oregon.



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